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Updated: Feb 18, 2021

As you may have seen from various other posts of mine, I advocate for self care. It is essential part of all of our lives. If we do not look after ourselves how are we meant to function at the best of our capabilities. How can we care for others if we are not at our prime? We would eventually run out of fuel and burnout

Last night I tried one of my favourite brands new products - Collagen Facial Masks! When this was announced I can not tell you how excited I was, I immediately made a purchase of both. As I am very passionate about clean and natural beauty products. This combines my favourite supplement (Collagen) with my go to skin regime.

As pictured, there are currently two types of face masks: Purify and Rejuvenate. For those needing a good clean Purify is the way to go! It

is made from Coffee and Charcoal so is perfect

exfoliant. The Rejuvenate is for those who want

to focus on fine lines and wrinkles. It has Sweet

Potato and Coconut.

Both of these beautiful products have 11g of collagen, Botanical Extracts, Vitamin E and the list goes on which is phenomenal. So imagine if you are taking both powder and masks, all the amazing benefits you will see. I know right - exciting!

This was my self care last night. As I rested for the night binging my new favourite tv show "Big Little Lies" with mum. It was definitely a nice way to unwind and relax. My skin today is feeling smooth, supple and bright.

If you are anything like me you will enjoy this thoroughly. The link to purchase is HERE.

Happy Self Care Saturday & Sunday!!!


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